Activate Server License Over Internet
For many reasons, you may need to activate or reactivate your InEight Estimate license. Some of these reasons may include:
You have renewed your license for another year
You have purchased additional Estimate modules
You have been using a Standalone license and you have now switched to a network license
You recently received your first copy of Estimate and need to activate your license
At any time, Estimate allows you to reactivate your license for the reasons above and any other reasons not mentioned.
Network license
Please ensure that there are no users logged into the InEight Estimate application when you restart the license server service, as this could result in loss of work.
Before you begin the activation of the Estimate license, ensure that you have a network connection.
Use the following step-by-step at the server console that contains the Estimate license server.
Step by Step — Activate Server License Over Internet
Go to the following path C:\Program Files\InEight\InEight Estimate License Server.
Scroll down and select the file LicenseServerActivator. The Activate InEight Estimate dialog box appears.
At the Let's Activate screen, select Activate via the Internet.
Click Next to continue.
At the Activate via the Internet screen, enter the 16-digit serial number that was provided to you by InEight Estimate. Click Finish to continue.
Your 16-digit serial number should have been saved from the initial activation. In the event that it was not saved or if you are activating a new license, you must manually enter your company’s 16-digit serial number for Estimate to complete the activation process.
At the Activation Successful dialog box, click OK.
At the Start Service dialog box, click Yes to start the InEight Estimate License Server service.
At the Success dialog box, click OK to complete and exit out of the License Server Activator.